The Power Of A Seed

In most fruits the seed is the least recognized portion and yet without it extinction is unavoidable. By the principle of divine order, only seeds have the capacity reproduce fruits of their own kind. There are two category of people on the earth today; Bread Eaters and Seed Sowers.

So many years ago there was a great famine in country where thousands of people were perishing on daily bases. Governments of other nations and humanitarian organizations decided to intervene seeing the situation was not getting any better. Food and rice seeds where sent to the citizens of the country so they could cultivate them to fight the crisis. But instead of the citizens eating the food and cultivating the seeds, they were so hungry that they ate the seeds as well. Your guess is as good as mine. The future belongs to only seed sowers. If you eat your seeds, you consume your destiny.

As insignificant as a birth right was to Issau, he exchanged his destiny and future for a bowl of stew. The birth right at that time was the seed that could earn him dominion in future but he was careless about it. He allowed the cravings of his belly to disinherit him of his blessings.

That’s the power of a seed because embedded in every seed is a potential tree and a forest. So each time you eat a seed you might as well think you have a whole forest in your belly. God has already given each and everyone of us seed or seeds. Where is my evidence;

And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. (Genesis 1:22).

God said be fruitful, not seedful. God will not command us to do anything if we don’t first of all have the potential to deliver. That will be an injustice. Therefore if he commands fruitfulness and as a logician, it reasons out that he has already supplied the seeds for cultivation. Your seeds are your time, gifts, abilities, talents, relationships, wisdom, knowledge, the list is endless. Anything can be a seed it all depends on your perspective. A problem that others are running away from can be the seed that will propel you to greatness with solved. When everybody was running away from Goliath, it took a shepherd seventeen years boy to cut him down. The battle with Goliath was David’s seed and key to his future. Had David avoided the battle there is a possibility we would not have been still talking about him today for his great accomplishments.

Is there a possibility you are running away from something that could be a seed or a ladder to your greatness? Stop admiring and desiring other peoples stuff and goods and start cultivating the seeds that your maker gave you and very soon others will be watching and desiring what you also have. Nobody is seedless but not everybody is productive why? Because of the false illusion that some people have it better talents, gifts, knowledge and opportunities than us and also because of the price one has to pay in the cultivating period before the harvest. There is no instant elevator to the top everyone has to use the stairs one step at a time.

If you sow today, then you can have the hope of harvest tomorrow, but if you eat your seed today you have nothing to look forward to.

God Dont Create Duplicates

It is estimated that there are about seven billion human being on the surface of the earth and out of this humongous volume, no two or more individuals have the same genetic coding; no even identical twins.Today a more sophisticated level of authentication such as iris recognition; which is only second to DNA in terms of accurate identification, goes a long way to prove to us how the creator has no intention and interest in introducing duplicates on the earth. Everything is what it is for a purpose. There are no coincident or accidents as some may want us to believe, everything emanated from a well organized and calculated intent of a Superior Being as the story of creation recounts.

Everything has a purpose and it is in the fulfillment of the original intent of a thing that reveals the essence of that thing. For instance, the sun was not created for decoration in the sky. The sun was created to provide energy to the earth through radiation necessary for the growth of living organisms and regulation of temperature.

The moon is responsible for the stabilization of the earth’s rotation and the main tide controller on the earth. The circumstances of life can make some of us feel like we came to escort others. The feelings of not measuring up or lack of certain abilities or talents can paralyze and ground one’s destiny. Your parents may not have planned for you, but the timing for your birth was accurately syncopated and synced with God’s perfect plan and agenda for your life.

Come to think of it, no body had the preference of choosing who their parents should be or the country and the continent they should be birthed. This makes argument for racism, tribalism or any form of discrimination totally flawed. How can you judge me because i am black, yellow, brown or because i was born of a particular tribe? It just does not make sense.

All these were determined in the archives of heaven long before the first sound of our cry was heard in the theater. God knew exactly the kind of environment that would favor his creation, period!.

You must understand that, collision of two histories created your identity but only you have the power to determine your destiny. Twenty-three chromosomes from your mother and twenty-three chromosomes from your father were combined to create a brand new genetic code, which has never been before through out the history of human existence. You are a divine masterpiece. Your genetic code holds the secret to everything you would ever be. Intelligence, wisdom and success were poured into you when you were formed in mommy’s womb.

A degree does not make you intelligent or successful in life. One of the Latin root for the English word “Education” is educere. And guess what the meaning of educere is; to lead out or to draw out. How can you draw or lead out something that is not in the first place available. Therefore a degree is only proving what you already are.

Adam did not attend Harvard, Priston or Yale but when God paraded creation before him and commanded him to name them, Adam did not say, I don’t have a degree in zoology or botany.

Instead he looked on the inside and tapped into the vast resource that has been deposited by his creator and named the entire creation without repeating any of them. Adam was the first human computer before the invention of Abacus thousands of years after.

Whatever you need to fulfill your purpose in already in you, stop looking elsewhere. Take time to discover the reality of who you are so you don’t suffer from false identity.

Viktor Frankl could not have put it any better. This is what he said;

“Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Don’t get it twisted, everything about you; your experiences whether good or bad, your attitude, your personality, the shape of your face, your eyes, your nose, your height, your legs were all taken into consideration relative to your assignment. Have you noticed that Zacchæus would have missed Jesus’ visitation save his height. Nothing about you is useless, even your flaws are calculated by God for this purpose for your life. Don’t allow anyone to put you down again when your creator had a testimony about His creation that “It was very good”. It is okay to the different, it is okay not to fit in. When you loose your uniqueness you automatically forfeit your purpose.


You are designed to be unique.

You are designed to be special.

You are designed to be conquer.

You are designed for a specific assignment.

Dangers Of Discontentment

Discontentment is the father of all evil whilst Selfishness is their mother. Studies have shown that men do not learn from history and history always repeats itself on a higher plain. Inability to learn the outcome of decisions made by others in the past (both great and small) is self suicidal mission.

Discontentment is a great weapon in the arsenal of the enemy which causes it victims to self-destruct when deployed against them. Discontentment is a land mine whose replication  can be very calamitous when triggered by the false hope that what you have out there is better than what you currently possess. It is an age old weapon of the enemy that is still in use today. Perhaps i have the opportunity to enlighten you if you have not taken notice of it yet because this can save your life.

Lets start from where it all began; The Garden of Eden. Although God had given all the fruits and trees and animals to man for his pleasure and satisfaction, the enemy came to sow a seed of discontentment in the heart of man to take Gods portion because they became dissatisfied with what God in His wisdom has freely given to them and the enemy planted in their heart the need for more. We all know how they ended up.

What could make a man marry three hundred wives and have seven hundred concubines, what at all is man looking for? I have pondered over this in the past. Thank God at the end of his life he was delivered, had his senses restored and exclaimed “all is vanity!”. Why some still want to indulge in activities that is destined for vanity is incomprehensible. Discontentment is not just an attitude, Discontentment is a spirit that programs its victims for self-destruction. Discontentment leads to envy, envy leads to anger, anger can lead to murder. Cain’s countenance became rough, because God had respect for Abel’s sacrifice and plotted to murder him in cold blood but he couldn’t plot to offer to God a more pleasing sacrifice than he earlier gave. This has been the refrain that continuously echo through all the ages human generations.

Why do we have abled men on our streets begging for handouts whilst those who are physically challenged make a descent living working with what God has endowed them with. Discontentment always leads to neglect because it makes its victims to think they do not have what others have to make it in life. This is was the mentality of the servant who was given one talent in the Bible. He neglected it and buried it away. I thought so how did he survive since the master was on a journey, and it occurred to me he might have resulted in begging and convincing others who are working with their talents that the master did not give him any. That story is not different from what we witness today.

So what is wrong with desiring and going after more , someone may ask? There is nothing wrong with going for more, God wants us to grow from glory to glory, that is His desire for us. When we are faithful and grateful with little He will bring the increase. When your going for more involves undoing the other person, causing pain, breaking relationships and going against the statuses of God, then one is destined to self-destruction because Gods word cannot be broken. When Jesus was grateful for the five loaves of bread and two fishes God multiplied to feed over five thousand hungry men and twelve baskets were leftover.

Stop comparing and complaining and begin to be grateful for where you are and what you have now. Thank God for the five loaves of bread and provoke God for your more.

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

Men are social beings and we interact and communicate on various communication protocols.

It has been scientifically proven that over sixty percent of man’s communication are non-verbal. This is important because it means most of our communication take place on the unconscious plain. In a typical social market place there are a lot of exchanges on both the conscious and unconscious communication channels. We empathize with friends and loved ones when they tell us a sad sorry or what they are going through and share a laughter over a joke at the office.

Everyone we interact with consciously or unconsciously has an effect on our outlook on life or environment. Faith is contagious and so is fear and doubt. The person with whom you share your precious  time can positively or negatively affect your overall out look on life. When you spend time with an optimistic person you end the conversation uplifted and with a renewed zeal to hung in there until your story changes for good, in the same vain a pessimist will have a problem for every solution you propose leaving you in doubt, fearful and uncertain about your own future and downcast.

The scriptures could not have said it better “He that walks with the wise shall be wise but the companion of fools shall be destroyed”. It is not for nothing that the angel told Mary to visit her cousin Elizabeth. I am sure Mary had other relations and friends but the angel specially told her to go to Elizabeth because Elizabeth was six months “more” pregnant than her. A wise man always surrounds him/herself with people who are better than him/her. Walk with people who are more anointed than you, and increase in anointing, walk with people who are pursuing their dreams and they will inspire you to go back to pursue the dream you left on the table years ago.

Negative companionship is that which sucks on your energy and resources without any intention of giving anything back. It is only a matter of time  when such interactions will leave you emotionally, psychologically and financially bankrupt. Such is not worth keeping. As others nourish you, you must also find ways to nourish back that is the solution for bankruptcy. Anything that is not nourished will die.

Positive interactions add value to your life, provoking you to leave your comfort zone to pursue your dreams. They are a source of hope and inspiration in times of difficulty. Such you keep and nourish.

Impossible is Nothing!

Man is not limited by the color of their skin, gender or background but the by the size of their hope.

What causes one to stand tall , defy all odds , break the status quo and scientific predictions of men while another sinks deep into the abyss human calculations and becomes a statistic and a demography. Humans have always had the tendency to criticize and shot down the unknown or what they don’t understand or prove in test tubes at the laboratory. As a “Gamalielian” I am careful to jump to a conclusion or make judgement until proven beyond reasonable doubts because life is not a straight line. One can have all the proves and exhibits on an issue to support an allegation or accusation and still come to the wrong conclusion. Potiphar’s wife had Joseph’s coat to prove her allegation but we all know what actually happened.


When Alfred and Wilbar Wright thought of the idea of inventing a device that could fly, it was sometime very odd and funny in their time and dispensation. They where heavily criticized and even insulted. i can hear some saying “Who do they think they are to think of such a ridiculous thing”. Still others angrily spewed “If God wanted humans to fly, He would have given us wings”.


But what do we see today? What turned this seemly impossible idea into a possibility?Definiteness of purpose and focus coupled with consistency delivered what we are all enjoying today.

What will the world have been today should the Wright brothers have allowed their big idea to be shot down small men? Take a minute to think about that. They may have failed during their first experiments and tests. Nobody cares about your private failures but the world will publicly celebrate your accomplishments. Don’t give in, don’t throw in the towel, no matter how many times you may have failed it is still possible. Get up from the bed and dig your hands in one more time.

Failure is not the opposite of success, failure is part of success. Until you have failed, you are not yet ready to win.

Made For More!

There is a Gold mine in us all, no body is useless.

Nature never made a failure, failure is man made.

Men through out the ages have frantically and tirelessly dug pits several feats into the belly of the earth, to discover precious and priceless metals and minerals laying in the deep.

They didn’t put it there! it has always been there all the time but the capacity to go beyond the surface and delve deeper than one will normally go is what makes heroes out of otherwise ordinary people. The scriptures testifies : they that do business in the deep see the wonders of God. Even God is looking for “deep seekers”.

In a similar manner God has dealt with all men potentials, talents and gifts, nobody was left out. The ability to recognize your portion and capacity to unearth these gifts, refine and share with the world is what makes you an asset to your generation and not a concern. We are made for more and there’s always the next level no matter which pedestal you currently standing on.

Stop beating yourself up because of what others have done and are doing. What you seek for or your next level is already within not without circumstances withstanding. Labour is what brings forth the priceless jewels already embedded within. Clear the dirts on the surface and get to the core of who you are. Those who avoid labour forfeit their destiny. There is not elevator to success everyone must use the stairs one step at a time.

No man is limited by reason of their background, race, education or physical disabilities. History has soon and current events continue to show how the power of the human will can overcome anything.

Benjamin Franklin had only two years formal education is his entire life but through personal studies and reading, he established a  university which continues to “speak” even today. No matter your excuse someone has won with the hand with which  you are currently dealt with.


You are meant for the top.

You are meant for impact.

You are meant for excellence.

Your are meant for more.