MOTIVATION FOR LIFE AT THE END OF MY LIFE, THERE IS ONLY ONE THING I DESIRE; THAT THE BIOGRAPHY OF MY LIFE BE CONDENSED INTO THIS LINE; “HE LIVED TO MAKE HELL MUCH LESS POPULOUS!” THE CALLING“Their blood will I require at your hand.” Each time we read these words, we review our priorities. There is no greater assignment and job than to be a soul winner. Christians do not need a special call to do what Christ has authorized them to do. They only need to see the world as God sees and to accept the fact that they are His chosen ambassadors or representatives in any nation or community where they may choose to establish themselves. Each follower of Christ has His authority to go and share the gospel with as many people as he or she can reach. The call has already been given. The opportunities are plentiful. The need is urgent. Success is assured. As Christ’s ambassador, the Christian believer is authorized to take action as His representative and needs no further calling. There is a love that constraineth me To go and seek the lost; I yield, O Lord, my all to Thee To save at any cost! Share on Facebook Share Share on Pinterest Pin it Share on TwitterTweet Send To Devices Send